Standard Appointment: Up to 15 minutes in duration. Usually one complex issue or two minor issues.
Long Appointment: Up to 30 minutes in duration. Usually two complex issues or more than three minor issues.
Vaccinations: Confirm with the practice manager or nurse that stock is available before booking. Request a consultation with both the vaccination nurse and your doctor.
Mental Health Care Plans: Requires a long appointment. New plans are available once every calendar year for those with a diagnosed mental health condition, and the patient must complete a mental health questionnaire such as a DASS 21 or K10 score.
Review of a Mental Health Care Plan: Can be performed every 3 months and requires a standard 15 minute appointment.
Procedures: Please check with the practice manager or nurse that the procedure can be performed on site before booking. Usually a long appointment is required with the doctor and the nurse / treatment room.
GP Management Plans and Team Care Arrangements “Care plans”: Booking are to be made with the practice nurse as well as the doctor. New “care plans” can be produced every 12 months and reviewed every 3 months. Under the eligibility criteria it requires that a patient has a diagnosis of a chronic medical condition and be under the care of two health care providers in addition to your GP.
Alma Village Medical Centre does not provide telephone consultations with new patients as we cannot confirm their identity and do not have access to their medical history.
A nominal $30 non-attendance fee will be charged to patients that have not cancelled their appointment within 2 hours of their appointment time.
Fees must be paid in order to make any further appointments at the practice.
Repeated non-attendance may result in a period of suspension from attending the clinic.